European Consulting Minister
The mission of my consulting ministry is to provide preaching, workshops, training, program development and leadership support which strengthen a congregation’s ability to serve its membership and community. Each congregation, especially in this diverse, multinational setting, has a unique cultural and historical identity. My strength lies in being able to assess and engage with them, finding adaptive solutions and innovative approaches to address each unique situation. I am able to connect easily with people, to listen deeply, and to communicate clearly, honestly and compassionately.
Even before my decision to go to seminary, my leadership in the Basel UU congregation and with our International groups led me to working with various Unitarian groups in Germany; speaking at conferences on religious dialogue, developing programs and facilitating conversations focused on bridging differences rooted in complicated histories as well as bringing new ideas for programing and worship.
Since receiving my Mdiv from Meadville Lombard, being ordained by my internship congregation in Westport, CT, and welcomed into preliminary Fellowship by the UUA in 2017, I have been privileged to serve in multiple engaging consulting ministry roles around Europe.
2018-2019 European Consulting Ministry Activities
- Keynote speaker for Eco-Spirituality Conference in Prague
- Speaker and panelist at the Unitarian Ministers of Oxford Alumni annual meeting.
- Lead training for Unitarian lay-leaders in Birmingham, England.
- 3-month course to develop lay-led worship skills in Switzerland
- Engagement with local (German-speaking) congregations, clergy and faith-based social-justice organizations.
- Consulting with ministers at unaffiliated Unitarian congregations in Germany.
- Development workshop for leaders from 8 different congregations at a European conference.
- Invited to speak at upcoming international conference in Basel “World Humanitarian Innovation Day”
- Leading worship and consulting with congregations in Scotland, Switzerland, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
- Leadership development workshop in Paris (photo below)